Welcome to LEAD Conductors!
LEAD Conductors & COVID-19
Due to the pandemic crises caused by COVID-19, LEAD Conductors has unfortunately had to cancel all its ongoing activities. However, we are using this valuable time for self-reflection, so that we can be ready to provide musical leadership for the future.
LEAD Conductors offers a unique leadership development program for conductors with professional music education that are ready for the next step in their musical career. The intensive conducting lab setting has proven to create a strong educational focus on both leadership, communication skills, and career objectives.

Participants of the extensive LEAD Conductors Program are aware that their career as a conductor is characterized by the lifelong learning principle. Based on this career intensifying vision, we developed an intensive program on transformative learning in adaptive, authentic and servant leadership.
Our program obviously offers advanced technical skill development. But the added value arises in the educational setting which allows mutual learning and inter-vision in a circle of colleague professionals. Attention for co-operation and networking is crucial, next to supervision, mentoring and coaching in career objectives by seniors.
Three Areas of Leadership – more info: CLICK HERE
The Lead Conductors Vision – moor info: CLICK HERE
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